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Personal Session with Joshua ends June 30th End of Day

One Super-Simple & Powerful Quantum Tool

Totally Changes The Lives of Empaths, 
ntuitives and Energy Workers Forever…

Boost Your Vibration 
Detach Ent
Ground Your Body 

Supercharge Your Energy

confident and unstoppable!

to your greater inner purpose

your best life

into who you are capable of becoming

in the Quantum Field to create any possibility

yourself from psychic attack and entities

to the highest energy frequencies possible










The Power of Energetically Infused Crystalline Energy

In these difficult and trying times, it’s nearly impossible for empaths,

intuitives & energy workers to stay positive, be in our highest vibration

as well as evolve and ascend into who we are truly capable of becoming. 

We have been in such need for a huge paradigm shift in our world and within ourselves as light workers, to be fed the life force we require to continue to heal, shift and change our precious world for the better.

So I asked this powerful question…

“What is it that will give us back our edge and enhance what we already have inside, in order to allow us to live in our full GREATNESS?” 

The answer is the next generation of Quantum Energy Enhancement… 

A tool that actually:

Supercharges your personal power


opens your possibilities

And raises YOU to the next level of your BEINGNESS.

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How I Instantly Transformed My Life With This

One Powerful Super-Simple Quantum Tool! 



I grew up with entities in my home from Birth. Through my entire life, I've always felt like I was living on an episode of the hit Television Show "Charmed". Wherever I went, the entities would follow. 

So, I learned the most powerful and fastest way to clear entities. I felt like a super empathic warrior!


However, regardless of how much I increased my energy frequency, blocked the entities energetically and released them, the tricky entities would find a way to trip me up, grab my attention and cause chaos in my life, making me feel out of sorts, fearful and frustrated for years!  

Then I discovered my very special and personal spiritual guides. I call them, The Travelers. I have learned so much from them that I started to connect with the Travelers to help all empaths, intuitives and energy workers to finally take their power back to become confident and unstoppable! 


One day The Travelers taught me how to create a spectacular energy tool and how to amp up its energy upwards of 55,000 energy frequency, using extremely powerful crystalline energies.

I call it, The Quantum Energy Transformation™ Pendant.

Once I put the pendant on, I felt a huge and powerful shift, a lightness in my heart chakra as well as all over my body.


The pendant works well beyond what I even thought possible! It keeps entities and attachments 
away from me, supercharges and grounds my energy, lifts my energy frequency, raises my trust level by 75%, making me feel much stronger and more courageous.


It has resolved so many of my fears, and continues 24/7 to release and transform energies that no longer serve me. It continues to change my life daily!

You're about to discover all of what is possible for YOU with The QET™ Pendant...


Using The Power of the Quantum Field… 


1. Quantum Shift Mastery Mastermind - 1 Month FREE Membership

Value $300

Get ready to feel UNSTOPPABLE! Gain Command of Yourself and Your Life as an empath, intuitive or energy worker. Let’s raise the bar when it comes to Transformation. Let’s totally discover what’s possible for you in the Quantum Field by upleveling, protecting and stabilizing your energy! You will be forever changed; living your life in your power, in your body and on purpose. (Meets Weekly on Tuesdays at 3 PM ET. And yes, there’s a replay!)

Let’s Supercharge YOUR Energy!

You’ll experience: 


  • Transformation Coaching - We do the deep work that uplevels your energy. Evolve into a confident and unstoppable YOU.

  • Tua Book Club - Explore Quantum Physics, Transformation, and Spirituality with my best selling book, “The Ultimate Answer …Is Inside™”.

  • Oracle Card Sprint - Transform, release trauma, and raise your energy vibration by playing with my Oracle Card Game to manifest your best life.

  • Quantum Energy Training - Become the master of your destiny in ways you never dreamed possible.

Quantum Community & Guidance - Weekly group Discussions and on demand help. It’s like having me and our community in your back pocket for personal connections, feedback and total awesomeness.

2. The Ultimate Answer …Is Inside™ e-book - Full Color Version

Value $25

You’ll get my latest #1 Best Selling book with Forward written by world renowned scientist and best selling author Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. to help you to live life on your terms! Catapult yourself to the top of your field! Live authentically! Just be YOU! Eliminate your fear and doubt! Jump into a new dimension to discover what’s possible for YOU! Become confident and unstoppable in complete awesomeness…

“At this time, it is absolutely necessary that we understand the nature of energy and invisible forces and how they impact our lives. In The Ultimate Answer, author Joshua Bloom provides vital life-enhancing knowledge about energy fields and consciousness that can be used to empower your life. Knowledge is power, and the awareness offered by Joshua is indeed a powerful resource for taking control of our lives.” -- Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

3. The QET™ Pendant e-book - Be Empowered! Be Quantum

Value $20

In this profoundly transformational book, I'll show you how to use your QET™ Pendant beyond what you may have thought possible so that you transform yourself and live your best life now. Get better sleep, feel more confident, eliminate entities, dispel negative thoughts, transform trauma, eliminate pain, strengthen your energy, discover your purpose and so much more! 

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It's like having superpowers

Supercharging PROTECTION and Energy Stabilizing

Pendant for Empaths, Intuitives & Energy Workers

Upgrade Your Energy...

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The Quantum Energy
Transformation™ Pendant


Quickly and easily BOOST

your intuition, trust level

and vibration...


Supercharge your Inner

Being with QET™


Keep negative energy & disingenuous people away & out of your energy. Eliminate psychic attack. 



Increase your immune function and promote wellness by being in a state of Growth for strength, transformation & wellbeing with your pendant.



Protects you from the potentially harmful effects of EMF Radiation. Super-strengthen your energy field, chakras and energy vibration with ease.


Amplify your energy vibration to supercharged levels, upwards of 10,000 Hz +, stabilizing you energetically, emotionally, physically & mentally for unsurpassed happiness, vitality and balance.



Quickly mitigates fear, anxiety and stress by grounding you deeply within the Quantum Field. Feel more present, confident and powerful.


When your trust level is high, you feel safe. Feel more self secure, without worry. Raise your trust level 75%, making you feel stable & grounded.


Grounds you into your body deeply. Feel more stable emotionally, energetically & physically.





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The QET™ Pendant fuses together the two most powerful perspectives of energy known today: Quantum Physics, the study of possibility and Spirituality, our connection to Source.

Although both of these perspectives are measured quite differently; Quantum Physics, which is based in Science
, and Spirituality, which comes from our connection to Source, are both in alignment and agreement with each other.

Each one of us holds the potential that allows anything to be possible!     

Now that we know that we have this unlimited potential, and with the QET™ Pendant, we can amplify and ignite that potential within. 

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According to Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, One of the main reasons that we feel the energies so powerfully when high level beings like monks chant, is because energy is being held and amplified by the crystals around them. "Crystals bind energy and if you can extract their energy, they become akin to a battery.”

The crystals of the QET™ Pendant store, emit and amplify energy like a battery, emitting powerful, spiritual energy that fuels and empowers you to be at your very best.

Bruce Lipton explains that “we've always been programmed to ignore the invisible realm as not being relevant to our world. 

BUT now we know, the understanding of Quantum Physics and the role of the invisible realm, IS more powerful in shaping the physical realm than is the physical realm itself.”

The energy fields in which we live are actually shaping us as well as the world that we experience.

The crystals that form The QET™ Pendant are holding and amplifying the energetically infused crystalline energy that I have personally entrained to extremely high energy frequencies, just like how Lipton stated crystals work. Also, as you will soon discover more deeply, the "Morphic Field" created around you by the QET™ Pendant IS the invisible energy that Lipton refers to, that shapes us and the physical world around us.

Albert Einstein said, "The field is the sole governing agency of a particle." Lipton explains that this means that "a particle is matter, but it's the field that gives shape to that matter. Who's field are you in, as it's the field that changes everything!”

Lipton continues, “There are scientific studies that have shown how meditation in groups have changed characteristics of cities in regard to violence or love or what was going on in the city. While meditators were in the practice of their meditation in bringing peace to the city, it actually changed the people in the city according to the statistics. Did it work? Absolutely! Unfortunately, when the meditators went home, the whole thing stopped. If we live with spiritual activism in our heart and use it every day, then this is not just an 'on and off' event. This is a continuous process of shaping the environment and the community in which we live."

Meditators put high frequency energy and positivity into the "Morphic Field", and it was the field that changed everything within the city.


With The QET™ Pendant, you can personally and easily shape your world and the world in which you live. By using the amplified energetically infused crystalline energies that you and your QET™ Pendant continuously create together, you have a tremendous impact on yourself and the world around you.

Unlike when the meditators stopped meditating and the benefits stopped, your QET™ Pendant will vibrate rapidly with your energy and energetically collaborate with you 24/7 to always up-level your field, positively influencing you and everything around you.

Yes! You are that powerful!

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This QET™ Pendant was designed using the science of Quantum Physics, energy transformation and crystalline energy to help you raise & release submerged emotions at the cellular level of the body.

It shows you the way to freedom, through the positive enhancing effects it has on your energy, body, mind and ever growing spirit.


It helps you release, allowing you to make transformative changes, as you step away from old patterns. It is excellent for releasing deeply held beliefs and emotions that are no longer serving you.


Imagine having the ability to release past issues, emotions and painful events quickly and easily; the Quantum way! Finally let go of the lower energy frequencies that have held you back for so long. Process old stagnant energies that no longer support you.


As a Quantum Releaser, energy protector and supercharged manifester, this QET™ Pendant has the power to balance, stabilize and keep you in alignment with the universe, your goals & dreams.

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QET™ PENDANT: Personal Experiences

Julie Lowery

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“I have been wearing my QET pendant for about a month now and I am in awe of how it has helped me with my quantum journey!


Within the first 24 hours of wearing it, I felt noticeably lighter, more balanced, stronger and more grounded. My ability to create quantum shifts has also improved greatly. Being Quantum, a way of connecting to the Quantum Field, comes so much easier for me.

I feel much more powerful from within.


When I'm triggered, it helps me to process the energy in the moment and I don’t get stuck in my head for days, or weeks, like I used to.

The pendant has been an amazing quantum tool for my personal evolution and journey. I feel so much stronger in my beingness and it happened in such a short amount of time!


Thank you Joshua for creating the QET pendant. It has been a lifesaver. If you're considering getting the pendant, just say YES! You'll be happy you did!”

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Savannah Kyle


Hey there! I just have to share with you all about my absolute favorite piece of jewelry, the QET Pendant. My dad first got one because he loved the energy of it, but as soon as I saw it, I just had to try it on too!Let me tell you, this pendant is the coolest and cutest thing I've ever worn. I feel like such a fashion icon wearing it around. But what's even better is that the energy it gives off is just amazing. I feel happier, more energized, and just all around better when I wear it.It didn't take long for me to become obsessed with it. I literally couldn't go a day without wearing it, so my dad got me my own. I wear my pendant every day.I'm 13 years old and I love this pendant so much! I truly do. It has made such a positive impact on my life and I can't thank Joshua who created the QET Pendant enough for making something so special.If you're looking for an awesome piece of jewelry that will not only make you look good but feel good too, I highly recommend the QET Pendant. It's seriously the best!

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Lori K.

“I enjoy using the pendant! I release faster and feel the movement of energy to rise higher within me. An awesome quantum experience!”

“The pendant can help you to raise your energy frequency faster and easier. You can also use the pendant to help others raise their energy.”

Sara M.

Jean S.

“I use the QET™ pendant to make it easier to release in the Quantum Field.”


Big Title


Say Yes!
To Success!

Get the most powerful energy tool NOW and I’ll say YES to you! Click below to receive your very own QET™ Pendant and supercharge your energy to become confident and unstoppable!


Experience Quantum!

Feel the energy transform you and uplevel your beingness, vibration and confidence. Experience the best in Energy Protection and have access to the Quantum Field! Life will NEVER be the same! 



Reach 1000+ Frequency

Feel the amazing confidence and supercharged energy that comes from wearing your QET™ Pendant. Live life on your terms! Start living your happiest, most balanced and powerful life NOW!


100% Quantum Guaranteed

I am 100% committed to giving you the tools, processes, and training you need to feel limitless, confident, and unstoppable. I’ve put my heart and soul into creating the QET™ Pendant so it's easy and works extremely effectively. I Guarantee that you will get results!

If you don't feel that the QET™ Pendant is the best Quantum Energy Tool ever and if you’re not experiencing relief, energy protection and results as you expected, I will personally make sure that you get the extra support you require to help you fully get there. That's how committed I am to your personal success, and that’s why I guarantee that the QET™ Pendant will 100% work for you.

If you wear the QET™ Pendant as suggested in the companion e-book and give it your best shot, read all accompanying materials from start to finish, attend all live Quantum Shift Mastery classes and have asked for support and still are not satisfied with your results, just fill out my simple questionnaire and I will personally go above and beyond to help you ultimately reach success. 

I’ll personally make sure you get results 100%! That’s how confident I am that the QET™ Pendant will work for you! If within 30 days from your purchase, you’ve asked for help and the pendant isn’t working as you expected in order to reach success, I will provide you not only with extra support, but also give you FREE training and or additional programs to support your true success. That’s Your 100% Satisfaction and Effectiveness Quantum Energy Center 30-Day Success Guarantee. I'm here to help you 100% until you get there!



Copyright © 2022 Joshua Bloom

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